Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Journey Begins

To have faith and carry it for years and decades on ones own shoulders is a terrible weight. It takes it's toll in years and pains, blood and sanity, Rarely in joy. I had a vision. It has changed my life forever and not necessarily in a good way. I am filled with sorrow. This vision not only touched my soul but engulfed it, nearly suffocated it and has left it charred and beaten. None the less - I had a vision. Over the decades I have tried to draw, sculpt, analyze,tell and scream to others of this vision. Still this vision belongs to only me,nor is believed by no one but me, ( except for a few mystics of the fourteenth century). My years on this earth are coming to an end and it's time to expose this vision to this virtual world, or void as some say, before it is lost forever. I have lived with vision, this light for some thirty five years. I wish I could say I have been a good steward of the torch, I have not. The light is now dim, the vision blurred by time, memory and a habit of over analyzing. To understand this vision even somewhat, I will have to tell much more of my own story then I really want to. I may need words of encouragement at times, maybe not. As I said my soul is tired and reaching evermore for the light. To bring this all up again is hard, so hard. I am driven to do so though and must and will, this is to be my last effort to share a vision, I promise to do my very best to share with hope and joy. This vision despite all the trouble has always, always been a source of strength, a well of inspiration and center for my very life.

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